21 April 2009

Summer is coming - honest!

By Nick Franta
The Manifest Staff Writer

As the jeans start getting to warm to wear people are pulling out there shorts for summer. Summer is almost here the days are getting warmer and longer, people are getting anxious for this day to come when the temperature reaches seventy degrees, where they can go lay out in the sun and soak up some summer time fun.
In the United States and the rest of the northern hemisphere, the first day of the summer season is the day of the year when the Sun is farthest north, usually on June 20th or 21st. This day is known as the summer solstice. Most people think that this is that the earth is further from the sun in winter than in summer. Actually, the Earth is closest to the sun in December which is winter in the Northern hemisphere.
The day of the summer solstice is the longest day of the year. The length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year. In the United States, there are about fourteen in a half hours of daylight on this day.
Matt Van Eyck a student at the UW of Marinette can’t wait for this time of year to come. He told me that” he loves the feeling of just walking around town in some board shorts with his friends having a good time.” There are so many people who just love summer, my friend Brandyn Neville said “the best part of summer is getting to hang out with your friends do some good old skating and making laughs.”
To define the word summer it is said to be the warmest season of the year. What is there not to love about summer, going to the beach soaking up some sun, riding your bike, anything outside is pretty much fun in the summer.