Manifest Staff Writer
Do you believe in werewolves? Do you think they exist in Wisconsin?
It seems a little unbelievable, but I was skeptical at first too. While surfing the web for Wisconsin-area hauntings, the topic of werewolves came up.
Some state residents claim to have seen them. One of the most famous has been reported on Bray in Elkhorn as early as 1936. The most recent sighting was 1999.
Werewolves, which are rooted in European folk tales, are mortals who have been cursed and turned into wolves.

“It was like a big hairy man,” Mike said.
The creature was about six feet tall with dog-like features. It was covered in hair, Mike recalls.
When I learned Mike lives in my neighborhood, it freaked me out. I had a similar experience while playing in our cow pasture, when I was 8 years old.
I saw an animal that I thought was a bear or a very large dog lying along the fence line, turning its head from side to side as if it were scanning the field for some type of prey.
At one point it stood on its hind legs as if to get a better view. That’s when I noticed that it had large broad shoulders like a weight lifter and was more dog-like and that’s when I ran screaming for the barn.
Are there Werewolves in Wisconsin? The answer is up to you: Do you believe or not? For more information on the Bray Road werewolf and other Wisconsin hauntings see Prairie Ghosts.
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