Manifest Staff Writer
Are you healthy?
Today in America health has become less of a concern and more of a forgotten burden. Loosing weight by eating healthy and exercising is on many “to do” lists, but gets put aside due to hectic schedules.
We often forget about living healthy. I talked with two young people, Kelsey, a high school student, who is very active in sports trying to stay healthy, and UW-Marinette student Alicia Meintz, who is busy managing work and school.
For Kelsey, it is hard to eat healthy: Junk food is everywhere and hard to resist. She believes it is easier for high school students to stay in shape because of sports. But what happens when you have college and work to balance?

Losing weight, exercising and eating healthy is a very hard thing to do. I recently lost 70 pounds and I know this from experience.
One word comes to mind: Dedication. If you are ready to appreciate life and realize you need to be healthy to feel good about your self and live life to the fullest, you may find it is easy to be dedicated.
Here are some tips from Kelsey and Alicia that may help you along the way:
• Plan a morning exercise routine. This small step will get your juices running for the day and give you more energy.
• Snack frequently, but on good foods like fruit and veggies so you can stay somewhat full through out the day.
• Eat in smaller portions.
• Avoid fast food. I know Taco Bell (and other fast-food restaurants) will start talking to you, but that’s where dedication and commitment come in.
• Take a day off to eat whatever you want so you don’t punish yourself, you’re eating healthy and exercising for a good reason.
• Work out. Take a walk at night or a bike ride; it really helps clear your mind and helps to give you time to take a break.
• Every time I wanted to eat a Ding Dong, HoHo, or Twinkee I would write it down and put it in a box and at the end of the week on Sunday (my day off), I would pick a slip from the box and allow myself that food.
• Manage your time. If you don’t have time to plan a long workout, do some crunches here and some pushups there.
• Start understanding what you are putting in your mouth by reading the labels; as the old saying goes, “you are what you eat.”
There are many more tips that you can find online at or and in books. The staff at the Greater Marinette-Menominee YMCA is also helpful.
Just remember that it’s not all about loosing weight, it’s about feeling better about your self.
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