Dear Miss Sabra,
I am very stressed out with work and school and I don’t feel like I have the energy to do my homework or even study for upcoming tests. What should I do?
Stressed Down and Out
Dear Stressed Down and Out:
School is a very hard thing to tackle and along with work so I can see how you must be stressed out.
You need to take more time for yourself and stop worrying so much. I know you need to get these things done but take them one assignment or test at a time.
Take care of yourself to create a feeling of well being before you hit the books. If you are female, take a nice bubble bath or paint your nails. If you are a guy work out, shower or play a video game.
These simple, stress-free activities will get you ready for doing homework or studying for a test.
Manage your time by using a daily planner and writing down what you need to do. When it is in writing, it is in a sense set in stone.
Dear Miss Sabra:
I am an already stressed-out student and now I am looking for money everywhere just to pay for my books because tuition is so high. Do you have any suggestions on making some extra dollars for these pricey books?
Dear Penniless:
Keep in mind stripping is always an option women or man but, if you don’t swing that way a job will always work, too.
I’m kidding!
Money becomes extremely important in everyday life; food, bills, books, and tuition are necessities. What you really need to do is take on another job. The job does not have to be big or have long hours; it just needs to put that extra cash in your pocket.
These towns are full of great opportunities; one could be babysitting. You might an ad in the local news paper advertising your services. Also, many local businesses hire someone for to fill in at the reception desk or run errands.
Look around, read the paper, talk with local business owners, and collect some applications. Good luck on making that buck.
Dear Miss Sabra:
My friends are really into partying and I don’t like to drink. How do I tell my friends I do not want to drink without having them think I am loser and not invite me to their parties anymore?
Sober Sally
Dear sober Sally:
First of all you need to know that you are not considered a loser if you don’t drink. Drinking is a choice every individual makes in their lives. This is your own decision and if your friends are not accepting of your decision. then maybe you should reevaluate who your friends are.
This question really comes down to what true friends are, and having them accept you for who you are and supporting the decisions you make in life.
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