19 December 2006

Monkey Grip: A club that relieves stress

By Kayla Bauer
Manifest staff writer

Many high school students worry joining clubs that will look good on their college applications.

In college, however, students need clubs that pique their own particular interests.

Monkey Grip, UW-Marinette's new gamers' club is one such club on campus.

"I love the idea of a gamer club: It makes school a little more enjoyable, a little more relaxing," says President Valerie Hallfrisch of Monkey Grip.

The idea for the club grew out of the minds of two students, Chris Newbury and Brad Rabbie, last semester. By the spring semester, the group made themselves official and had more than 50 members.

However, even with such a large amount of students joining the club, there are only about a dozen loyal members who attend meetings, which are heldevery Tuesday over the lunch period.

This semester the club was allotted a budget, with which Hallfrisch and the rest of the members hope to plan more gaming events for UW-Marinette students and local high school students.

In the past, the club has held various video game tournaments, from Halo 2 to the most recent Mario Party tournament held earlier this semester. Already in the works is a Madden tournament to be held around the Super Bowl next year and an old school playground day featuring a Goldeneye tournament.

This club isn't just about planning tournaments. Members also play video games. The club welcomes new members and students who just want to stop in the TV room to play games.

Says treasurer Brad Rabbie, "We're not just about gaming, we're all about gaming."

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